
Berkshire Rooms Privacy Policy

(Last Updated 28, September, 2020)

An appendix relating to COVID-19 data collection for track and trace measure has been added below.

Berkshire Rooms Limited takes your privacy seriously and we are committed to ensuring the privacy and safeguarding of your data. This Privacy Policy is an explanation of the information we collect and how we use it during your relationship with us. Please read the information carefully to understand how we treat your data and what you can expect of us as a Data Controller.

Cookie Policy

This site uses cookies – small text files that are placed on your machine to help the site provide a better user experience. In general, cookies are used to retain user preferences, store information for things like shopping carts, and provide anonymised tracking data to third party applications like Google Analytics. As a rule, cookies will make your browsing experience better. However, you may prefer to disable cookies on this site and on others. The most effective way to do this is to disable cookies in your browser. We suggest consulting the Help section of your browser or taking a look at the About Cookies website which offers guidance for all modern browsers

  1. About Berkshire Rooms

We are Berkshire Rooms Limited (company number 04475228) and our registered office is Lexham House, Forest Road Binfield, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG42 4HP. We are registered as a Data Controller by the Information Commissioner’s Office with the registration number Z1354083.

  1. What information does Berkshire Rooms collect?

We only collect personally identifiable information that is absolutely necessary to communicate with you during the booking process and successfully book an apartment for you with us. This may include your name; home, work and email addresses; telephone and fax numbers; credit card information; date of birth; gender; and lifestyle information, such as room preferences, leisure activities, and other information necessary to fulfil special requests (e.g. health conditions that require special room accommodations) noting that if you do not provide this information, we may not be able to provide our services.

We may also need to collect the names of other guests, providing they are over 18 years of age. We also collect details about your accommodation requirements such as budget, length of stay and accommodation type. If your employer or agent uses our services to book accommodation for you, we may collect this information from them, rather than directly from you.

When you browse our website, we may collect your Internet Protocol (IP) address. This address allows your computer to communicate over the internet and connect to our website and it can also show us where in the world you’re browsing from. Our website uses cookies for various web functions, and to help improve the user experience. A cookie is a small data file stored on your computer that comes from the web browser you’re using. It can have a variety of uses and functionalities including storing information about your preferences, speeding up your searches and recognising you when you re-visit. Cookies are also used to track overall visits and visitor location. This helps us identify visitor numbers and patterns. Some cookies have a session-limited lifespan and are removed when you close your browser while others last a lot longer and sometimes indefinitely.

If you would like to find out more about cookies and how to disable them, please visit If you would like more information about the specific cookies our website uses, please contact

  1. How does Berkshire Rooms collect your information?

When we collect information from you, we will ask you, your employer, your agency or your relocation company to voluntarily supply us with the information we need. We endeavour to collect information only with your knowledge and with your permission if necessary.

e primarily collect your personal details to service your accommodation request and this can involve the following communications:

  • Providing you with accommodation options via email
  • Communicating with you about your requirements via phone and email
  • Completing and administering your reservation via email

None of your personal information is shared unless you request that we book your chosen accommodation. If you would like to proceed with a booking then we may pass on the relevant personal information to our payment provider. This will allow them to take payment from you on our behalf for stay in an apartment by you and, if applicable, any other guests in your group.

If you opt-in when making your enquiry, we may send you marketing materials such as our newsletter that details promotions, special offers and discounted rates. Depending on your preferences, we may send you other communications.

  1. How does Berkshire Rooms contact you?

As part of our commitment to keep you informed, we may contact you via post, email, telephone, text message, or by other means to confirm your arrival and departure dates, ensure your customer satisfaction, notify you of new services, or other relevant information that may be of interest to you.

We will use your email address to send a confirmation and, if necessary, may use other means to contact you for help in processing your booking. If during the booking process the apartment you have chosen isn’t available, then we may contact you to discuss alternative options. We may also use your email address to:

  • send you pre-arrival confirmation details;
  • notify you about special offers and promotions;
  • communicate emergency or crisis-related information;
  • send you copies of your invoices when you request them; and
  • send you periodic guest satisfaction surveys.

Ensuring you have the best possible stay is important to us so we may also contact you during your stay to check that everything is as expected. We may also ask if you’re interested in extending your booking or if you have any future requirements that we can help with.

With your consent, we may send you marketing materials that support our business and are suited to your requirements. Your consent will be explicit and you may receive the following types of marketing emails from us:

  • Newsletter – detailing promotions, special offers, discounted rates and other news relevant to your booking.
  • Competitions – From time to time we may run competitions that give you the chance of winning prizes such as free stays in our apartments.

You can withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us at the email address listed at the end of this privacy policy. Consent can also be withdrawn by using the ‘Unsubscribe’ button that is included at the bottom of all our marketing communications.

  1. Does Berkshire Rooms share information with third parties?

Berkshire Rooms only shares your information for the sole purpose of servicing your booking and may disclose your information to third parties in the following ways:

  • when we communicate with booking agents, employers, relocation companies, travel agencies, companies or organizations, who have made reservations, agreed to make payments, arranged for discounts, or purchased our services on your behalf or if you use our services under a corporate or other commercial account;
  • if you seek to have your rental charges invoiced to your employer or any other third party, we may disclose personally identifiable data about you to that third party and to any companies that assist the third party in processing invoices;
  • when we report to credit card issuers, credit reporting and fraud checking agencies and debt collection agencies, but only to the extent necessary to comply with contractual agreements;
  • when companies or service providers that perform business activities on behalf of Berkshire Rooms require information (e.g. credit card processing)
  • In case of emergency such as to safeguard the life, health, or property of an individual.

If personally identifiable information is shared as mentioned above, we will limit the scope of such information that is furnished solely to the amount necessary for the performance of the specific function. Unless otherwise precluded by legal process, we require all third parties to sign our terms and conditions which include strict data privacy requirements. Please note that, where the booking relates to a property which is outside of the EU, your information may be transferred to a country which does not have the same data protection standards in place if it is required in relation to the booking (although we require any property partners outside of the EU to comply with model data protection clauses which have been approved by the EU).

We may only have to disclose your information in the event that we sell the business, introduce or acquire another business, need to establish, make or defend a legal claim, or if we are under a duty to disclose personal information to comply with legal obligations. We may also use third party service providers (such as IT and technology services) who will store or use your information, but only on our instructions and subject to strict data protection requirements.

  1. For how long does Berkshire Rooms store your information?

We keep a copy of your correspondence and details of your enquiries and bookings to enable us to manage the booking process. This data is further kept for up to 6 years after your last booking for the purpose of auditing and to comply with regulatory bodies such as the HMRC.

Berkshire Rooms does not store any of your payment information. Payment details are supplied directly to SagePay payment platform via a secure payment link which we provide you.

  1. What does Berkshire Rooms do with Children’s personal data?

If you are under the age of twenty one (21), we ask that you do not use the Berkshire Rooms Services including our website as you must be over 21 years of age to book an apartment with Berkshire Rooms.

If children are travelling with you, we will need to know their age but we do not require their personal details and you will never be asked for their information at any stage in the booking process. However, we may ask simple questions to help form your requirements, for example, if you require a cot or a high-chair.

  1. Does Berkshire Rooms use your data on Social Media?

We’re active on various social media platforms and use these to communicate news, stories, blog posts and other relevant information in the industry and about our company. Sometimes we run competitions or ask for your replies and in these instances, we may need to make contact with you. For example, if you win a competition and we’re contacting you about your prize. Your personal information will be treated according to this privacy policy and only used as necessary for our legitimate interests in dealing with your correspondence or administering the competition you have entered.

  1. What is Berkshire Rooms bases for processing your personal information?

To process your information, we rely on the following legal bases:

  • Performance of a contract: We need the personal information you supply to execute our part of the contract between us “the service provider” and you “the client”. If you ask us to make a booking, we will use your information to complete and administer your booking to satisfy our part of the contract as a service provider.
  • Legitimate interests: We use your information to service your requests and send you information relevant to your booking. We may contact you to suggest alternative options when your chosen apartment is not available or to ask if you would like to extend your current booking. If you are a guest, or your agency is making the booking, we use your information as necessary for our legitimate interests in carrying out our contract with the client who made the booking.
  • Consent: We will ask for your consent to send you direct marketing content containing relevant information, special offers, exclusive rates and promotions.
  1. How does Berkshire Rooms secure your information?

We continuously review and update our website data security in accordance with legal requirements and web best practices. We take every reasonable measure to ensure your data is secure and only accessed by those requiring it to process your booking.

When you make a booking and enter payment details, this information encrypted. This helps ensure your data is not transferred in a readable format and can’t be unlawfully accessed in transit.

Berkshire Rooms takes security of data very seriously and works hard to protect data from loss, misuse, and unauthorized access or disclosure. These steps take into account the sensitivity of the information we collect, process and store, and the current state of technology.

  1. What rights do you have to your data with us?

As a user of our service, you have rights as an individual which you can exercise in relation to the information we hold about you. You have a right to be informed in a clear, transparent and easily understandable way about how we use your personal information and about your rights. This is why we are providing you with the information in this policy. If you require any further information about how we use your personal information, please let us know.

You have the right to access and to review the personal information we hold for you. You can request an overview of this data by emailing When emailing, please use ‘Personal Information Request (PIR)’ as the subject line so we’re able to expedite the process. Further to this, you may request a full copy of the personal information we hold for you which we will send to you. We can tell you what information we hold about you, why we are holding it and who it may be shared with.

If you notice that your data is inaccurate you can request for it to be rectified. Just send an email to and we will make the relevant corrections.

You have the right to restrict the processing of your data. We only use your data to process your booking and if you request us to restrict processing then this will take place after your booking and stay has been completed. Further to this, if you feel your data has been processed incorrectly or unfairly then you have the right to object to the processing of this data. You can do this by emailing

If you decide that you don’t want us to store your data anymore then you can request for it to be deleted. You can do this by emailing and we will delete all of your personal data. We will only retain your data if we’re under a legal obligation to do so or we need to keep it to establish, exercise or defend a legal claim, and you will always be informed in these cases.

If you want us to transfer your personal information to another party where you provided it to us and we are using it based on your consent, or to carry out a contract with you, and we process it using automated means, you can do this by emailing

Where we are relying on your consent for the collection, processing and transfer of your personal information for any specific purpose other than booking an accommodation with us, you have the right to withdraw your consent for that specific processing at any time. Once we have received notification that you have withdrawn your consent, we will no longer process your information for the purpose or purposes you originally agreed to, unless we have another compelling legitimate interest in doing so.

Whenever you submit a request to delete or update your information in any way, we will honour your request within four (4) weeks and will inform you about the status.

If you think that we are using your information in a way which breaches data protection law, you have the right to lodge a complaint with your national data protection supervisory authority (if you are in the UK, this will be the ICO). Our supervisory authority for Berkshire Rooms is Britain’s Information Commissioner’s Officer (ICO). If you are a resident of the UK and believe we maintain your Personal Data within the scope of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), you may direct questions or complaints to the ICO:

  1. How do you contact Berkshire Rooms?

Please note that this Privacy Policy may change without notice.

If you required any additional information, have comments or questions regarding Berkshire Rooms Privacy practices or this Policy, you can contact us: By email at:, Or write to us at: Berkshire Rooms Limited, Meadows, London Road, Wokingham Berkshire, RG40 1PD


Recording customer details: how we use your information

To support NHS Test and Trace (which is part of the Department for Health and Social Care) in England, we have been mandated by law to collect and keep a limited record of staff, customers and visitors who come onto our premises for the purpose of contact tracing.

By maintaining records of staff, customers and visitors, and sharing these with NHS Test and Trace where requested, we can help to identify people who may have been exposed to the coronavirus.

As a customer/visitor of [insert name of business] you will be asked to provide some basic information and contact details. The following information will be collected:

  • the names of all customers or visitors, or if it is a group of people, the name of one member of the group
  • a contact phone number for each customer or visitor, or for the lead member of a group of people
  • date of visit and arrival time and departure time

The venue/establishment as the data controllers for the collection of your personal data, will be responsible for compliance with data protection legislation for the period of time it holds the information. When that information is requested by the NHS Test and Trace service, the service would at this point be responsible for compliance with data protection legislation for that period of time.

The NHS Test and Trace service as part of safeguarding your personal data, has in place technical, organisational and administrative security measures to protect your personal information that it receives from the venue/establishment, that it holds from loss, misuse, and unauthorised access, disclosure, alteration and destruction.

In addition, if you only interact with one member of staff during your visit, the name of the assigned staff member will be recorded alongside your information.

NHS Test and Trace have asked us to retain this information for 21 days from the date of your visit, to enable contact tracing to be carried out by NHS Test and Trace during that period. We will only share information with NHS Test and Trace if it is specifically requested by them.

For example, if another customer at the venue reported symptoms and subsequently tested positive, NHS Test and Trace can request the log of customer details for a particular time period (for example, this may be all customers who visited on a particular day or time-band, or over a 2-day period).

We may/will [delete as necessary] require you to pre-book appointments for visits or to complete a form on arrival.

Under government guidance, the information we collect may include information which we would not ordinarily collect from you and which we therefore collect only for the purpose of contact tracing. Information of this type will not be used for other purposes, and NHS Test and Trace will not disclose this information to any third party unless required to do so by law (for example, as a result of receiving a court order). In addition, where the information is only collected for the purpose of contact tracing, it will be destroyed by us 21 days after the date of your visit.

However, the government guidance may also cover information that we would usually collect and hold onto as part of our ordinary dealings with you (perhaps, for example, your name, date of birth and phone number). Where this is the case, this information only will continue to be held after 21 days and we will use it as we usually would, unless and until you tell us not to.

Your information will always be stored and used in compliance with the relevant data protection legislation.

The use of your information is covered by the General Data Protection Regulations Article 6 (1) (c) – a legal obligation to which we as a venue/establishment are subject to. The legal obligation to which we’re subject, means that we’re mandated by law, by a set of new regulations from the government, to co-operate with the NHS Test and Trace service, in order to help maintain a safe operating environment and to help fight any local outbreak of corona virus.

[Venue/establishment, please add text on whether or not you transfer personal data outside the UK, the EU or to anywhere else (if known).]

By law, you have a number of rights as a data subject, such as the right to be informed, the right to access information held about you and the right to rectification of any inaccurate data that we hold about you.

You have the right to request that we erase personal data about you that we hold (although this is not an absolute right).

You have the right to request that we restrict processing of personal data about you that we hold in certain circumstances.

You have the right to object to processing of personal data about you on grounds relating to your particular situation (also again this right is not absolute).

If you are unhappy or wish to complain about how your information is used, you should contact a member of staff in the first instance to resolve your issue.

If you are still not satisfied, you can complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office. Their website address is

[Please insert the data protection officer details or whoever is in charge of data protection duties of your venue/establishment.]

We keep our privacy notice under regular review, and we will make new versions available on our privacy notice page on [your venue/establishment website]. This privacy notice was last updated on 16 September 2020.